一定要學會的沙拉和醬汁118:55道沙拉 ×63道醬汁(中英對照)

  • 作者:金一鳴
  • 規格:19 × 26 cm / 穿線膠裝 / 全彩 / 144頁
  • 定價:300 元
  • 優惠價:255 元 節省45
  • 出版社:朱雀
  • 出版日:2010/04/01
  • ISBN:9789866780653
  • 類別: / 好吃的書 / 學養生輕食


◆ 全書中英對照,除了學會做書中的食譜,更能認識食材及做法的英文,送禮自用兩相宜!

◆ 本書包含55道經典沙拉 × 63道醬汁,隨意變換搭配度高,一本食譜可抵好幾本,最划算!

◆ 醬汁分成「一定要學會的招牌醬汁TOP10」、「清爽油醋汁12款」、「濃郁美乃滋11款」、「水果&優格口味12組」、「亞洲風10類」,想做哪種立刻找得到,最方便!

◆ 在這本經典暢銷版中,再加入了8道2 步驟3分鐘就完成的「萬用醬汁」,最簡單最方便!

55道沙拉 × 63道醬汁的新吃法!!






138懶人凱撒醬Lazy Caesar Dressing
138香柚和風醬汁Japanese Style Pomelo Dressing
139醬油五味醬Five-Flavor Soy Sauce
139無蛋美乃滋汁Non-Egg Mayonnaise Dressing
140咖哩油醋醬汁Curry Oil Vinegar Dressing
140果醬優格醬Yogurt Jam Dressing
141柳橙芥末美乃滋Orange Mustard Mayonnaise
141蕃紅花油醋醬汁Saffron Oil Vinegar Dressing

Making Creative Salads in an Easy Way
11凱撒沙拉 Caesar Salad
13希臘乳酪沙拉 Greek Feta Salad
15泰式海鮮沙拉 Thai-style Seafood Salad
17青木瓜沙拉 Green Papaya Salad
19生火腿蜜瓜沙拉 Cantaloupe Salad with Ham
21尼斯鮪魚沙拉 Salad Nicoise with Tuna Steak
23蕃茄起司 Caprese Stack with Parsley
25蔬菜棒沙拉 Vegetable Stick Salad
27生菜蝦鬆 Shrimp with Lettuce & Corn Flakes
29芬蘭馬鈴薯溫沙拉 Finnish Warm Potato Salad
31華爾道夫沙拉 Waldorf Salad
33天婦羅沙拉 Tenpura Salad
35摩洛哥甜橙沙拉 Moroccan Orange Salad
37西班牙蕃茄冷湯 Cold Spanish Tomato Soup  
39中東沙拉 Middle-Eastern Fattoush
40★中東口袋麵包DIY  Pitta Bread DIY

43香菇雞肉沙拉 Chicken with Black Mushroom
45薰衣草雞肉 Lavender Chicken
47印尼沙爹 Chicken Satay
49培根雞蛋沙拉 Bacon with Egg Salad
51鴨肉芒果 Duck with Mango
53玫瑰蘋果豬排 Rose Apple Pork Salad
55辣拌烤牛排沙拉 Spicy Roasted Beef Salad
57羊小排小黃瓜 Lamb Cutlet with Gherkin

59鮭魚菠菜煎餅 Salmon with Spinach & Herb Pancake
61鮭魚蕃茄酪梨沙拉 Salmon with Tomato & Avocado
63鱈魚芒果沙拉 Cod with Mango Salad
65生魚片海苔卷 Sashimi with Nori Roll
67葡萄柚小卷 Grapefruit Squidb
69蟹肉棒玉米 Crab Meat Stick with Green Cornn
71百合木瓜蝦仁 Shrimp with Lily Tuber & Papaya
73炸蝦沙拉 Deep-fried Prawn Salad
75干貝培根卷 Scallop with Bacon Roll
77淡菜和風沙拉 Japanese-style Mussel Salad

81烤彩椒沙拉 Roasted Bell Pepper Salad    
83拌大白 Napa Cabbage Combination    
85洋蔥秋葵沙拉 Okra with Onion Salad    
87烤野菜沙拉 Baked Wild Vegetables Salad    
89松子銀魚四季豆 Pine Nut & Fries with Green Bean
91竹筍野菇 Bamboo Shoot with Wild Mushroom
93苦瓜蜂蜜芥末 Balsam Pear with Honey & Mustard
95干貝青江菜 Scallop with Spoon Cabbage
97芽甘藍青花菜 Brussels Sprout with Broccoli    
99烤南瓜沙拉 Baked Pumpkin Salad
101蓮藕蘆筍 Lotus Root with Asparagus    
103蕃茄雞肉義大利麵 Pasta with Tomato & Chicken
105米飯沙拉 Rice Salad
107涼拌粉皮沙拉 Chilled Bean Starch Sheet Salad
109魚卵喬麥麵 Buckwheat Noodles with Salmon Spawn
111洋菜銀牙潤餅卷 Agar-agar Strips with Bean Sprout Roll
113香草起司塔 Herb Cheese Tart    
114★起司塔DIY Cheese Tart DIY    

117水果沙拉 Fruit Salad    
119柳橙冰砂 Orange Sorbet    
121杏仁豆腐 Almond Jello    
123焦糖蜜李 Caramel Plum    
125椰奶西米露 Sagos in Coconut Milk    
126★製作沙拉的蔬菜 Vegetables to Make Salads
129★材料的挑選與清洗保存 How to Choose, Clean, and Preserve Ingredients
132★製作沙拉的基本工具 Basic Utensils to Make Salads
133★沙拉的醬料 Salad Dressings

1.美乃滋 Mayonnaise  69
2.經典千島醬 Thousand Island Dressing  25
3.法式油醋汁 French Dressing  21
4.柳橙油醋汁 Orange Dressing  45
5.凱薩醬汁 Caesar Dressing  11
6.柴魚醬汁 Bonito Dressing  33
7.美乃滋優格醬 Mayonnaise Yogurt Dressing  31
8.塔塔醬 Tartar Sauce  73
9.蕃茄紅酒醋汁 Tomato with Red Wine Dressing  37
10.焦糖甜醬汁 Caramel Dressing  123

1.香草紅酒油醋汁Red Wine Dressing with Fresh Herbs 69
2.檸檬油醋汁 Lemon Dressing  39
3.薑蒜油醋汁 Ginger with Garlic Dressing  43
4.洋蔥油醋汁 Onion Dressing  59
5.葡萄柚蜂蜜油醋汁 Grapefruit Honey Dressing  67
6.義大利黑醋酸豆醬汁    Italian Balsamic Vinegar Caper Dressing81
7.蔥蒜油醋汁 Onion with Garlic Dressing  87
8.青蔥油醋汁 Spring Onion Dressing  91
9.芥末油醋汁 Mustard Dressing  97
10.蕃茄辣椒醬汁 Tomato Cilli Dressing    103
11.葡萄油醋汁 Grape Dressing  105
12.法式香草油醋汁 French Herb dressing  113

1.羅勒酸豆鯷魚醬汁Soured Bean & Anchovy with Basil Dressing    23
2.美奶滋鮮奶油醬 Mayonnaise with Cream Dressing    27
3.酸奶油蒔蘿醬 Soured Cream with Dill Dressing    29
4.九層塔美乃滋 Basil Mayonnaise  49
5.芥末醬油美乃滋 Mustard with Soy Mayonnaise    65
6.芥末蜂蜜醬汁 Honey with Mustard Dressing  93
7.美國式溫煮醬汁 American Warm Dressing  95
8.柳橙黃瓜美乃滋 Orange & Gherkin with Mayonnaise99
9.起司白醬 Cheese Dressing  101
10.芝麻美乃滋醬 Sesame Mayonnaise  107
11.咖哩美乃滋 Curry Mayonnaise  111

1.草莓醬汁 Strawberry Dressing    19
2.摩洛哥甜橙薄荷醬汁    Moroccan Orange Mint Dressing 35
3.蘋果玫瑰醬汁 Apple Rose Dressing    53
4.酪梨優格醬汁 Avocado Yogurt Dressing  61
5.芒果優格醬汁 Mango Yogurt Dressing  63
6.薄荷優格醬 Mint Yogurt Dressing  57
7.蜂蜜檸檬醬汁 Honey Lemon Dressing 75
8.檸檬醬汁 Lemon Dressing  89
9.優格奶油醬 Yogurt Cream Dressing  117
10.柳橙甜酒汁 Orange Wine Dressing  119
11.草莓檸檬醬汁 Strawberry Lemon Dressing     121
12.優格椰奶醬汁 Yogurt Coconut Milk Dressing  125

1.魚露酸辣醬汁 Sour-spice Fish Sauce  15
2.魚露酸甜醬汁 Sour-sweet Fish Sauce  17
3.花生辣醬 Spicy Peanut Sauce  47
4.芒果辣醬 Spicy Mango Dressing  51
5.酸辣醬油汁 Sour Spicy Dressing  55
6.八角魚露醬汁 Star Anise with Fish Sauce  71
7.味增油醋汁 Miso Dressing  77
8.中式烏醋醬汁 Chinese Style Vinegar Dressing  83
9.梅子柴魚醬汁 Plum Bonito Dressing  85
10.梅子柴魚醬 Plum Bonito Dressing  109


        輕鬆、隨興、簡單、創意的享受沙拉是企畫這本食譜的最大目的,書中的編排是以沙拉的食材和用餐順序做分類,這麼多的食材及數十種不同的醬汁,可能會讓你一時不知如何著手。建議你先看〈製作沙拉的蔬菜〉(p.126),了解沙拉的食材,再依喜好及方便取得的材料來搭配。     沙拉的醬汁大致分為清爽油醋型和濃稠美乃滋型兩類,可從〈沙拉的醬料〉(p.133)來認識基本調配方式,醬汁中所添加的辛香食材則可做適當調整或刪減。當然沙拉並不侷限於開胃小品,不妨先了解以下五種沙拉形式,將會發現沙拉的各種面貌。

        一、醬汁種類: 1.清爽油醋汁型:     尼斯鮪魚沙拉(p.21)的法式油醋汁為最基礎型,一般油和醋的比例為3:1,口味較酸者,可將醋增加至與油等量。本食譜中油、醋的種類,可依個人喜好和方便取得來調製;也可以偏酸的果汁做為醬汁的主體,請參考薰衣草雞肉(p.45)的柳橙油醋汁做法。 2.濃稠美乃滋型:     可從蟹肉棒玉米(p.69)入門,親自做美乃滋,再進階到添加蕃茄醬的千島醬(p.25),或嘗試具健康概念的醬汁,請參考華爾道夫沙拉(p.31)的優格美乃滋做法。

        二、沙拉形式: 1.開胃沙拉:     份量應適中,以新鮮、脆硬的食材和味道強烈的醬汁為主,並具吸引人的盤飾和外觀,才可刺激食欲。2.配菜沙拉:     可伴隨主菜沙拉食用,以達到與主菜相互平衡和協調的關係。味道最好是淡而獨特,非過於濃郁;且應避免食用與主菜同類的食材,易產生過度飽食感且菜色單調乏味。 3.主菜沙拉:     份量應包含充分的蛋白質,如肉、魚、海鮮,及蛋和起司沙拉;更可加入新鮮的蔬果,達到營養的均衡與健康。 4.餐後沙拉:     可清新味蕾,提供腸胃在享用甜點前怡人的小憩;味道必須非常清淡且份量應減少。 5.甜點沙拉:     通常以水果、吉利丁、核果、蜜餞和奶油等食材為主,可在餐後有不同的味覺享受。

     除了以上介紹的5種類的沙拉 在這次書籍的改版中,特別針對蔬菜、肉類、海鮮和水果等食材,設計出做法超簡單、搭配性高的懶人萬用醬汁。每種醬汁都只要2個步驟,僅需3分鐘製作,再忙碌都能輕鬆完成。最後,希望這本食譜讓你感受到做菜可以像遊戲般輕鬆快樂,創造出屬於自己的獨特沙拉。

Making Creative Salads in an Easy Way   

    The purpose I plan the cookbook is hope readers can enjoy salads at ease and pleasure, with simplicity and creativity. The categories of salads in the cookbook is according to ingredients in salads and the serving orders in a diet that so many ingredients and 50 dressings may make you suddenly don't know how to start in. I suggest that you can read "Ingredients to Make Salads" (p.126) to know ingredients in salads first, then by preference and for your convenience to make combinations.     Salad dressings can be divided into 2 types︰refreshing dressing and mayonnaise. You can read "Salad Dressings" (p.133) to select and understand the basic methods of making dressing. Spices added in dressings can make an appropriate adjustment or decrease in use. Salads are not limited to serve as appetizers. You can know the definitions of 5 kinds of salads here below first and you would discover varieties of salads. Ⅰ.Types of Dressings: 1.Refreshing Dressing:     French dressing in "Salade Nicoise with Tuna Steak" (p.21) is the most widely used salad dressing. It is usually made a proportion of 3 shares of vinegar and 1 share of oil. If you prefer more acid, you can add equal vinegar and oil in amount. You can use the varieties of oil and vinegar mentioned in the cookbook to make dressings by preference and for your convenience. You can use the more acid juices as the main ingredient and read "Lavender Chicken" (p.45) that refers to the methods of making orange dressing. 2.Mayonnaise:     You can start in "Crab Meat Stick with Green Corn" (p.69) that refers to the methods of making mayonnaise by yourself, then proceed to thousand island dressing with ketchup (p.25) or try the healthful dressing in "Waldorf Salad" (p.31) that refers to the methods of making yogurt mayonnaise.
Ⅱ.Types of Salads: 1.Appetizer Salads:    They should not be so large as to be filling. They should use fresh, crisp ingredients with strong dressing that must have a tempting garnish and appearance to stimulate the appetite. 2.Accompaniment Salads:     Accompaniment salads can also be served with main-course salads that can balance and harmonize with the main course. They should be light and flavorful, not too rich. Avoid serving the same ingredients in accompaniment salads and main-course salads to prevent from being filling and boring in appeearance. 3.Main-Course Salads:     They should contain a substantial portion of protein, such as meat, fish, seafood, egg and cheese salads. Even you can add fresh vegetables and fruits to balance nutrition, then keep your health. 4.Separate-Course Salads:     The purpose is to clean the palate after a rich meal and to refresh the appetite and provide a pleasant break before dessert. Separate-course salads must be very light and served less. 5.Dessert Salads:     Dessert Salads usually contain items such as fruits, gelatin, nuts, preserves and cream so that can make people enjoy different flavors after meals.    

      In addition to the five salads mentioned above in this new edition, there are also super-easy multipurpose dressings f! or! lazy people, especially designed to match any vegetable, meat, seafood, or fruit dish.  Each dressing takes only two steps to finish and 3 minutes to prepare.  No matter how busy you are, they can be ready in minutes.At last, I hope the cookbook can help you to cook at ease such as play games happily and create your own unique salads.











