
  • 作者:齊美玲
  • 規格:18.5 × 23.5 cm / 平裝 / 全彩 / 112頁
  • 定價:280 元
  • 優惠價:238 元 節省42
  • 出版社:朱雀
  • 出版日:2004/05/25
  • ISBN:9789867544131
  • 類別: / 好吃的書 / 學養生輕食









序/漂亮吃蒟蒻Eating Konjac=Beautiful4

蒟蒻是什麼?What is konjac?8
So Many Good Things to Say About Eating Konjac10

Smart Slection and Konjac Preservation12

Eating Konjac Equals Smart Plus Health13
蒟蒻輕鬆DIY(蝦仁、脆腸、藕片、魷魚排、蝴蝶麵)Easy Konjac DIY16
自製蒟蒻DIYQ&A Konjac DIY Q &; A18


薑汁蕃茄蒟蒻凍Tomato Konjac Jelly with Ginger Sauce26
金黃奶凍Golden Milk Konjac27
乾果蒟蒻凍Dried Fruit Konjac Jelly28
蜜豆凍Konjac Jelly with Sugar Snap Peas and Lotus Seeds29
翠綠相思凍Young Soybeans Konjac Jelly with Aduki Beans30
黑芝麻凍Black Sesame Konjac Jelly31
藍梅醋凍Konjac Jelly in Blueberry Vinegar 32
小麥草凍Wheat Grass Konjac Jelly with Molasses33
黑磚奶茶Konjac Milk Tea 34
蕃茄蒟蒻凍飲Konjac Cubes in Tomato and Plum Juice35
黑糖水晶凍凍條Konjac Noodles with Dark Brown Sugar 36
蜜漬黑豆凍Candied Black Soybeans Konjac Jelly37
水晶紫米丸子Crystal Purple Rice Balls39
草莓大福Ta-Fu Strawberry Konjac with Aduki Beans 41
蒟蒻香蕉卷Banana in Konjac Rolls43
蒟蒻點心條Baked Konjac Snack Bars45
簡易小菜Simple Side Dishes
三杯蒟蒻透抽Three-Cup Konjac Squid48
薑絲脆腸Stir-Fried Konjac Intestine with Shredded Ginger 49
涼拌蒟蒻杏鮑菇Cold Konjac with Japanese Oyster Mushrooms50
銀芽海參片Konjac Sea Cucumber with Bean Sprouts51
梅漬彩椒蒟蒻片Konjac with Plum and Bell Peppers52
蕃茄梅菇蒟蒻Plum Konjac with Cherry Tomato and Seaweed53
泡菜凍Pickled Vegetable Konjac54
花生素凍Peanut Konjac55
香酥蒟蒻Crispy Konjac56
素香藕片Vegetarian Konjac Lotus Root with Broccoli57
繽紛蒟蒻絲Colored Shredded Konjac with Mushrooms and Bell Peppers59
牛蒡素蜇絲Vegetarian Konjac Jellyfish with Burdock61
什錦蒟蒻炒Well-Mixed Konjac Stir-Fry63
燒烤蒟蒻串Barbecue Konjac Shiskaba 65
南瓜豆腐蒟蒻凍Pumpkin with Tofu Konjac 67
彩頭水晶凍Radish and Seaweed Konjac Jelly69
莧菜豆腐腦兒Konjac Tofu with Amaranth71
薯泥鮭魚片Potato Tower with Carrot Konjac in Pumpkin Gravy73
紅麴蒟蒻Konjac with Red Wine Lees75
蒟蒻魷魚排Fried Konjac Squid Steak with White Sesame 77

瘦身大餐Diet Meal
蒟蒻蝦沙拉Konjac Shrimp Salad81
鮮蔬咖哩蒟蒻Fresh Veggie Curry Konjac83
栗燒蒟蒻干貝Konjac Scallop and Chestnuts85
煎鑲甜椒Baked Stuffed Bell Peppers 87
南瓜蒟蒻扣Flip-Over Pumpkin Konjac 89
蝦仁鍋巴Konjac Shrimp over Burnt Rice91
蒟蒻燴福球Konjac Tofu Balls with Bok Choy93
山藥蒟蒻海棠煮Chinese Yam Konjac with Loofah and Day Lily95
蒟蒻麵疙瘩Konjac Noodle Pieces with Veggies97
南瓜蒟蒻麵Konjac Noodles with Pumpkin Sauce99
青椒炸醬麵Konjac Noodles with Green Pepper in Bean Sauce101
茄汁蝴蝶麵Konjac Farelle in Tomato Sauce103
味噌蒟蒻飯Konjac Rice with Miso105
蒟蒻養生湯Konjac Body Supplement Soup107

Eating Konjac = Beautiful



       以蒟蒻DIY為主題的食譜能夠受到這麼多的迴響,其實是令人感動的,因為,要在忙碌的生活中挪出時間來自己動手做蒟蒻,必定是懷抱著「以愛心為初衷 以照顧家人健康為目標」的心情而來的。我的確在與許多讀者分享玩蒟蒻的樂趣之中學到更多,也因很多人吃蒟蒻改善了身體狀況,而更纖瘦、更健康,獲得許多鼓勵。正因這許多分享與迴響的鼓勵,才促成這本書的出版,我真心希望有更多的人從中領略玩蒟蒻的樂趣並得以改善健康。



     《Healthy Slimming with Konjac》is my second konjac cookbook. It's been two years since the first book was published. During this period, I have received many letters from readers sharing their feelings and giving me much support and encouragement. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to everybody.

     My cookbook on DIY konjac at home made so many echoes. I was really touched by them, because in this busy lifestyle taking your precious time to make DIY konjac must start with the goal of "from a caring heart taking caring of the family." I have learned a lot from my readers about playing with konjac. I am encouraged because many people have improved their health after changing their diet to konjac. These thoughts and encouraging responses stimulated the publishing of this cookbook. I sincerely hope that many more people will improve their health through the fun of making konjac.

     In response to all the readers abroad, this cookbook is written in both Chinese and English. Here I would like to thank the  publishing company for its effort. Recently the value of konjac for the health has been positively confirmed. This proves that everyone is getting more and more savvy about keeping fit and healthy.

     Let me give you some advice before you start to DIY konjac. Read carefully about the characteristics of the konjac and the Basic Preparation of Konjac, so that it will be easier for you to become an excellent konjac player. Let's keep up the good work!

Amanda  Chi   May 2004