在家釀啤酒Brewers’ Handbook:啤酒DIY和啤酒做菜

  • 作者:錢薇
  • 規格:18.5 × 23.5 cm / 平裝 / 全彩 / 120頁
  • 定價:320 元
  • 優惠價:272 元 節省48
  • 出版社:朱雀
  • 出版日:2004/12/27
  • ISBN:9789867544285
  • 類別: / 好吃的書 / 學咖啡調酒




◆〈基礎篇〉介紹啤酒釀製流程圖、基本設備、基本材料、STEP BY STEP輕鬆釀啤酒。





  美國葡萄及釀酒協會(The American Society for Enology &; viticulture)、美國葡萄酒教育學會(Member of the Society of wine Educators)、美國薩加緬渡家庭釀酒協會(The SacramentoHome winemaker’s club)會員。

  美國加州「PLAZA COFFEE SHOP」、「BENTO HOUSE」主持人,台灣「優酪坊」優酪專業聯盟創辦人,曾於1999年2月至2000年12月期間,為「鄉間小路」雜誌撰寫「葡萄酒之旅」專欄。曾任教於國立中興大學製酒專業訓練班。


2...推薦序/兼具書香、酒香、菜香的釀酒書A Book that is focus on providing a vase awords, in wine and in dishes
4...自序/在家釀啤酒Beer Brewing

PART ONE基礎篇Basic
10...啤酒釀製流程圖The Process of Beer Brewing
20...基本設備Basic Equipment
25...基本材料Basic Ingredients
32...STEP BY STEP輕鬆釀啤酒Brew Beer with Ease

PART TWO釀酒篇Beer Brewing
44...加拿大淡啤酒Canadian Ale
48...美國式淡啤酒American Golden Ale
52...英國南方風味棕色啤酒Southern English Brown Ale
56...德國式啤酒German Lager
60...愛爾蘭苦啤酒Irish Stout
64...加州式低熱量淡啤酒California Style Low Calorie Light Beer
76...啤酒色香味的品評Beer tasting: the aroma, the color and the flavor.

PART THREE應用篇-用啤酒做中西佳餚
82...香草雞胸肉排Chicken Steak with Herbs
84...麻油雞Sesame Chicken with Beer
86...燜燒牛肉Simmered Beef
88...啤酒醃牛排Beef Steak with Beer
90...蒜烤羊排Garlic Roasted Lamb Ribs
92...啤酒芥末火腿Beef Steak with Beer
94...烤甜杏夾心豬排Apricot-Filled Pork Rib Chop
96...啤酒白汁肉丸White Sauce Meatballs with Beer
98...紅燒豬腳Red-Cooked Pork Feet
100...煎鱈魚排Fried Cod Steak
102...清蒸草蝦Steamed Grass Shrimp
104...啤酒蝦Beer Shrimp
106...啤酒松子醬Beer Pine Nut Dressing
108...涼拌白菜心Cold Mixed Napa Cabbage with Vinegar and Beer
110...炒青菜Stir-Fried Kale
112...舊金山海鮮湯San Francisco Seafood Soup
114...懶人啤酒Beer Brewing Package

(錢薇   Chienwei)









Beer Brewing

     "Come and have a glass of beer that I brewed!"

     If you finish this book with patience and care, I guarantee that you will be the one saying that!

     Brewing beer is not difficult at all. There is no need to spend lots of money to purchase expensive equipments.  If some of the equipment may already be found in your own kitchen, then just purchase a handful of the really necessary utensils.  With correctly simple cleaning concepts and careful attention to this book; you can easily brew great beer at home.

     Before we start brewing beer, you have to understand what beer is:
     Beer and wine are two different kinds of alcohol drinks. Both are manufactured through the fermentation of yeast in a liquid that contains sugars.  Yeast absorbs nutrients from the sugar, transforms it into energy, and then carries on cellular reproduction. The by-products of fermentation, carbon dioxide and alcohol, are produced.  Through the magic of yeast, sugar becomes alcohol.

     What are the difference between wine and beer?
     Wine is made from the natural sugar found in grapes fermented by the yeast into alcohol  (see Make Your Own Wine as a reference).  In Beer, by contrast, the starch in the grain  (especially barley) is transformed into malt sugar, and then to alcohol.

     The process of brewing beer is more complex than the wine, but required processing time is shorter.  When brewing either beer or making wine, You have to completely control every procedure using scientific methods and going step by step, paying close attention to every detail, so that a glass of delicious beer will be your rewards.